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"Where do you expect them to live?"

The Pack Territory is where the pack dwells for most of their time. It is the living area of the pack and is guarded and marked around its borders.

The Pack Densite is where the ditch-like den of the pack is located. It is where young cubs will spend most of their time and where injured canines have their rest.

The Hunting Ground is the pack's preferred location to get food.

The Training Grounds are where young wolves train in fighting and hunting. Prey animals may be lead here for young wolves to finish off.

The Abandoned Sanctuary, once known as Fading Footsteps, is where the wolves and wolfdogs came from. They rarely visit it, but when they do, it's for good reason.

The Hideaway is where the pack goes if there is ever a need to escape the territory. Some pack members may also go there to relax.

The Theory Couch is where meetings are held and mass theorizing begins.

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