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"He's no spring chicken, the old geezer."

There are several stages of a wolf or wolfdog's life. These are to be taken into consideration during roleplay, the creation of characters, and how roleplay time compares to real time (additional info on that can be found in the rules.)


Newborn - 2 Weeks: Infant

Infants cannot leave the den. They spend their days suckling, sleeping, and growing. They are blind, deaf, and very small and fragile. They are dark greyish brown in colouration.

2 Weeks - 1 Month: Cub/Puppy

By this time, the pup's eyes and ears will have opened, though its sight and hearing will still be weak. This is the time when the youngsters leave the den (but stay in the territory) and begin eating regurgitated food. They are still dark in colour.

1 Month - 2 Months: Preadolescent

The pups have begun weaning. They may start play fighting and starting a heirarchy amongst themselves. They can begin following the adults around, but only for short distances. Their adult colouration finally begins to show during the growth of adult fur.

2 Months - 1 Year: Juvenial

The youngsters begin joining adults on hunts to watch and learn, joining in the hunts in later months. Physical development ceases at one year of age. They have totally grown into their adult coats.

1 Year - 3 Years: Young Adult

No longer considered puppies, the now fully-grown wolves are at the peak of their physical abilities. They are now mature enough to have pups of their own and have regular hunting trips.

3 Years - 7 Years: Adult

Full maturity. May become infertile during the later years. Greying/whitening of the fur may slowly become noticable over time.

7 Years - 11 Years: Elderly

Losing much of the vigor and strength of their youth. Will likely not be able to participate in hunts any longer. Arthritis, sight loss, and hearing loss are likely. Infertility sets in if it hasn't already. Greying of fur becomes much more noticable, especially on darker coloured animals.

11 Years - 15 Years: Ancient

Very few wolves reach this age. If the do reach it, they are laden with disability and incapable of much participation. They will die before they reach age 16.

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